Fire folk går foran det kongelige teater


Foto: The Playhouse (2007) - Lundgaard & Tranberg Arkitekter. Operaen (2005) - Henning Larsen Architects. Photographer: Kim Wyon

EU-Parlamentet har vedtaget det omfattende CSR-direktiv (CSRD), der pålægger 50.000 virksomheder i EU at rapportere om deres samfunds-, klima- og miljømæssige påvirkninger. De nye regler træder gradvist i kraft fra 2024 til 2028

Beskrivelse fra indsatsens hjemmeside:

"The new EU sustainability reporting requirements will apply to all large companies, whether listed on stock markets or not. Non-EU companies with substantial activity in the EU (with a turnover over €150 million euro in the EU) will also have to comply. Listed SMEs will also be covered, but they will have more time to adapt to the new rules.

For nearly 50 000 companies in the EU, collecting and sharing sustainability information will become the norm, compared to about 11 700 companies covered by the current rules."

Læs mere om ESG-direktivet her